- In-person therapy & coaching in Reading, UK
- Online therapy & coaching across the UK
Before you read any further, I'm sorry to inform you that I'm not currently taking on any new private clients, as I'm busy with my employed roles as a young person's counsellor.
There may be resources available on this website that will help you. However, if you feel you need additional support, please contact your GP in the first instance. I wish you all the best...

Thank you for taking the time to find my website and learn more about how I might work with you. It can be quite overwhelming finding the right coach or therapist – there are so many of us around and the various titles and qualifications you’ll read can feel intimidating and be somewhat confusing. If you head along to My Blog, I've put some guidelines together to help you navigate this particular challenge!
Hopefully, this website will go some way to helping you find out who I am and how I work - just pop along to the About Me page for more details, which includes some lovely testimonials from satisfied clients. There's also a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page you can peruse if you want to dig a bit deeper. Having said that, there really is no substitute to talking, so please do Contact Me if you have any questions or want to know more – I won’t give you the ‘big sell’ as it’s just as important to me that you work with the person who’s right for you.
I've added here some of the common areas I work with - whilst it's not an exhaustive list, it will hopefully give you a little bit more of an idea as to whether we might be able to work together. There simply isn't the space to list every possible psychological issue a person might be experiencing though, so, if you're unsure whether I might be able to help you, Contact Me and I'll let you know.

It's perfectly normal to feel stress at times - it can even be helpful, giving us the motivation to get things done. However, stress becomes a problem when we begin to feel out of control or overwhelmed by life's pressures. Anxiety - a feeling of fear, worry, or unease - can be a reaction to stress, or it can occur without obvious stressors.
Stress and anxiety that occur frequently, seem out of proportion to the stressor or occur for a prolonged period of time may be signs of an anxiety disorder: these include Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Social Phobia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Depending on your specific issues, certain NLP techniques, Hypnotherapy, Counselling and Time Line Therapy™ are all effective in helping with issues relating to stress and anxiety.
We all have times when our mood feels low. However, if you've been feeling this way for weeks or months and it's affecting your ability to get on with and enjoy your life, it's possible you might be suffering from depression. There isn't one single 'symptom' of depression - you might feel tearful, irritable or angry, lose interest in things you previously enjoyed, feel tired and have less energy, find it difficult to concentrate, or, lose your motivation or self-confidence. If you're concerned about how you're feeling, it would be wise to visit your GP in the first instance.
Counselling, NLP Coaching and Time Line Therapy™ are particularly effective for exploring and releasing feelings of low mood and depression. In session, we'll work on finding ways to meet previously unmet needs and we'll find the strategies and self-care techniques that work best for you, so you can begin to move forward with your life again.

Many of us have fears or phobias and, generally speaking, these don't require treatment unless they prevent us from working, carrying out necessary tasks or having healthy relationships. For example, unless you're employed as a tiger-tamer, a fear of tigers is probably a handy fear to keep, rather than spend loads of money on treatment.
But other phobias can be debilitating - an intense fear of spiders can lead a person to avoid spending time outside for months at a time, whereas a fear of flying could stop someone from going on exotic holidays or taking certain jobs - so it's the effect on your quality of life that's important here.
If you have a phobia that's ruining your life, the good news is that Hypnotherapy, combined with certain NLP techniques can be really effective at sorting them out.
It's widely known that being over, or under, weight can have serious implications on health. As well as increasing the risk for medical problems such as diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure and certain cancers, unhealthy weight changes also impact on mental health, with many people suffering from low self-esteem, increased anxiety, and depression.
Hypnotherapy, NLP and Counselling can all be helpful for resolving weight issues, particularly when tailored to your unique needs. The aim of therapy will be to get to the root of the problem, as your relationship with food is likely to be a symptom of a deeper issue.
Together, we'll uncover, and work with, any thoughts and emotions that have contributed to the problem, we'll address needs that aren't currently being met, and, we'll find ways of bringing balance and control back to your life.

The word 'confidence' comes from the Latin 'fidere', which means 'to trust'. Self-confidence refers to our trust in ourselves to engage successfully with the world. When we behave in a self-confident way it tends to lead to a successful experience, and those successful experiences then further fuel self-confidence.
'Esteem' comes from the Latin 'aestimare', which means 'to appraise, value, rate, weigh, estimate'. Self-esteem is our appraisal of our own worth. It's a filter through which we think, feel, and act, and it determines how we relate both to ourselves and to others around us.
Low confidence and/or self-esteem can have a debilitating affect on every area of your life, preventing you from achieving everything you are capable of. Counselling, Hypnotherapy and certain NLP techniques can all be effective for helping you to discover and develop your inner confidence and self-esteem.
Sleep takes up about a third of our lives, during which time our bodies and brains replenish energy and repair themselves in critical ways. During sleep, physical growth takes place, the immune system is strengthened, memories are consolidated, our muscles repair themselves and information is processed.
Most people experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep at some point in their lives. In addition to affecting judgement and mental acuity, longer-term sleep deprivation can lead to diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Whilst many sleep problems can be resolved by addressing sleep hygiene (my 'Sleep Matters' booklet may be able to help you with this), sometimes people need some additional support to overcome them.
Often, worrying about life's challenges can be a major cause of sleep problems - Counselling and Hypnotherapy can both be effective in helping you to learn how to relax your body and mind ready for sleep.

An estimated 43% of all UK adults experience chronic pain (pain lasting more than 12 weeks). It can be difficult to treat and complicated to manage, often requiring a range of medications and therapies.
Therapies that address the mind-body link (such as Hypnotherapy) are often recommended as a complementary addition to pain management plans, as they can help to change pain perception by altering the thought patterns related to pain, and, reducing stress.
Pain management Hypnotherapy sessions would generally include muscle relaxation, visualisations of adapting and controlling the pain, distraction techniques, post-hypnotic suggestions, and, a focus on recovery and wellness.
In addition to physical substances (such as nicotine, alcohol and other drugs), many activities (such as gambling, shopping, computer games and sex) can also become highly addictive. This is due to the fact that the brain releases ‘feel-good’ chemicals when we undertake activities that make us happy, encouraging us to repeat them. However, when the desire to repeat the activity becomes uncontrollable, in spite of increasing negative or harmful consequences, it's likely that we're dealing with an addiction.
Whatever kind of addiction you're experiencing, it can take a serious toll on your physical and psychological health, potentially leading to sleep disturbance, deteriorating relationships and financial problems. Counselling and Hypnotherapy are both effective treatments, as they can help you to explore the underlying causes and possible triggers for the addiction, and, deal with any psychological issues (such as depression, anxiety or low self-esteem) that may be related to it.

Whilst many people think that trauma is something that only happens during war-time or in Hollywood blockbusters, the reality is that it happens regularly in ordinary life. Traumatic events are any that cause us to feel shocked, disorientated and distressed - they can include anything from accidents, bereavement and divorce, to torture and all the various types of abuse.
It's important to acknowledge that there's no right or wrong way to react to a traumatic experience. It'll be unique to you, dependant on many factors, such as your personality, how you express emotion, your coping style, previous experiences of trauma, other stresses/strains in your life, your capacity to understand/process your reactions, and, the level of support received. Counselling (and certain NLP techniques) can provide the space to process what's happened, along with all the various thoughts and emotions the situation has brought up for you.
It may be that you're just thinking about the idea of coaching or therapy at the moment and aren't quite ready to book an appointment. That's absolutely fine - just take your time - I'll be here for you as soon as you're ready.
Over the coming months (and years!), I'll be adding more and more resources into my shop - many will be low-cost or even FREE, so why not take a look to see if there's anything there to help you in the meantime...
If you're ready to book an appointment, please go ahead and click on the relevant link below. If you're not sure about anything, just Contact Me and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.
If you've already had your Initial Consultation, you can also make a Block Booking of all your future sessions.
- 70 British pounds
- 55 British pounds
“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”